
Friday, August 19, 2011

Favorite youtube acts #1

Yes, we're going to talk about the band KarminMusic.  Amy, the girl, and her fiance, Nick, both sing and play different instruments, including guitar, piano and drums! 

Amy sings, raps and plays guitar (what more could we ask for), and some even call her a white Nicki Minaj in the body of Katy Perry, while Nick sings and plays piano and drums.  We were shocked when we heard their version of "Look at Me Now" by Chris Brown ft. Lil Wayne and Busta Ryhmes, but our all time favorite cover would have to be "Super Bass" by Nicki Minaj.  Gosh, we just can't stop listening to that. 

And damn that girl can rap.  Their harmonies are great, the rapping is great, everything is great.

Below is their most recent cover for "Lighters" by Eninem ft. Bruno Mars & Royce Da 5'9:

Shashoo rating: 9.5/10

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Anne Hathaway channels her inner Lil Wayne

Anne Hathaway, currently staring in the movie One Day, decides to channel her rage for the paparazzi (and their nosiness during the shoot for the new Batman movie, which we discussed earlier this week) into a rap!  She rapped it to Conan O'Brien on his show Tuesday night.   We love it all - from the deep throaty voice to the arm movements to the "pop pop pop".  Will she start a career in music?  Maybe not, but she sure has the world interested, with the Youtube video obtaining over 500,000 views in only one day.   

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Teacher+student sleepovers?

Have you ever watched Victorious?  

If you haven't, we'll give you a short summary.  It's a show on Nickelodeon about a girl, played by Victoria Justice, that gets accepted into this school called Hollywood Arts where, instead of math and science classes, they have acting and singing classes.

This show has continued to baffle us, mostly because of that person that plays the crazy teacher, Sikowitz (or Psychowitz, really).  No, it's not Mr. Sikowitz.  Just Psychowitz.  Er, Sikowitz.  This is confusing.

In one episode, Sikowitz invites Tori (played by Victoria Justice) and her new best friends for a sleepover.  Yes, he is hosting a sleepover, and of course, no one questions it, because it all makes sense in this show.

Come to think of it, most of the show doesn't make sense.

The students customize their lockers (an activity so important that it's ok to take the entire first week of "school" to do so) and have music blaring through the hallways all the time, because they seem to spend more time in the hallways than in class.  Trina (Tori's sister) is supposedly horrible at everything, including acting, dancing and singing, but she still is invited to sing and dance with Tori when they do musical numbers.  Not to mention that Ariana Grande (the girl with the unnatural bright red hair) can sing better than Victoria Justice, yet Justice plays the main character whose goal is to be a singer.

We can't even tell you how many episodes have ended with the same solution, Tori sings a song that Andre (one of her friends) just made up for her in one night.  And then everything is all right!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

5 things we learned from the new Lady Gaga video

So.  Lady Gaga dropped her new music video for "YoĆ¼ and I" early, her new single off of her massive maniacal weird-self-analysis, idolization-of-80's-rock-stars, kind-of-a-mess opus "Born This Way."  She promised us a new music video with her 1000th tweet on Thursday, but according to Lady Gaga's 997th, 998th, and 999th tweets "F**K THURS DAY."  Guess she was getting anxious.

Anywhoo, obviously like no less than 251 OTHER news sources at the time of this writing (we kid you not), we are obligated by the laws of all that is Gaga to report on this new milestone.  Gaga reaching her 1000th tweet that is.  Or it would have been, if it wasn't for the music video.  Let's be honest there would still be 100 news articles about Lady Gaga reaching 1000 tweets and 12.7 million followers.

AAAANYWAYYY, on to the other real Gaga News of the Day.  What does this new video teach us about the ways of Gaga the Wise?  Here are 5 new things we learned from this video (and surprisingly, there were a lot of new things in this video that we haven't seen in others).  Leave it to Gaga to make a video that pretty much has nothing to do with loving a man from Nebraska, and yet, according to her, has everything to do with it.  Did that even make sense?

More after the jump...

Monday, August 15, 2011


Ok, that title was really just to get your attention. We're not all that alarmed about it, but we are downright irked.

Anyway, for God's sake, enough with all the photos from the set of The Dark Knight Rises already! All the paparazzi photos are really beginning to get on our nerves, and they are starting to ruin it for us.

Please, we're fanboys and fangirls just like everyone else out there, but let's keep to the official released stills from Warner Bros. We'd like to be excited when we see the actual movie.

Like this one!

All we have to say is, Thank God it doesn't look like the Halle Berry outfit.

And just for the hell of it, Shashoo Rating: 9/10

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Oh Nicola. You had us at "L-O-V-E."

Can you tell that we love newly solo singer Nicola Roberts (of the Girls Aloud British girl-band fame).  Because we do.  We can't explain to you for the life of us why...but her music just makes us giddy. Take, for example, her first single - "Beat of my Drum." Please note the absolute wackiness and the way that the letters from the L-O-V-E part look like they're spelled backwards. Adorable.

+click to watch "Beat of my Drum" music video

And then there was "Disco, Blisters & a Comedown, " which was the absolute best kind of high-end trashy fun.

And now we have, "Lucky Day," her second official single from her upcoming album, "Cinderella's Eyes." What can we say? Nothing, because we can't stop smiling. Those are some sweet and joyful synths. And we love how we're never quite sure what exactly her expression is.


And if you must ask, yes, she's not wearing pants, or "trousers," as Nicola might say. We like to think that part of the budget went to making graffiti sperm on the wall stuff.

Shashoo Rating: 11/10

Saturday, August 13, 2011

SHORT STORY: A Modest Proposal

Dear Diary,

I have come to the conclusion that I might be going crazy. No, I haven’t been
reading those Twilight books again. It’s even worse than that. I have been
experiencing this strange feeling, one that cannot be explained by words. No
matter, I will tell you about this sudden feeling through a memory.

It feels like it happened just yesterday. Well, it kind of did happen yesterday,
but for the sake of making this story sound more like a fairy tale, let’s say it all
happened one week ago.

It was a sunny that day. Actually, it wasn’t sunny at all, but it was rainy.

It had been rainy that day, and I was, as usual, coming back from my
afternoon five-mile jog. When I walked into my small, square office, I shook the
remaining water out of my hair and saw the most beautiful display of flowers, all
bunched up in a pot of soil. They looked like roses, but then again, the lights were
off. After I actually turned on the lights, I realized the object sitting innocently
on my desk was clearly not a vase of roses. No, they weren’t any type of flower.
Instead, there was yet anther dead raccoon sitting on my desk.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Now THAT's how you run a debate.

In case you didn't know, last night there was a Republican Presidential Debate on Fox News. Also in case you didn't know, there were eight (COUNT 'EM: 8!!) candidates who think they're serious about wanting to be president (i.e. taking down the current president, Barack Obama).

And that doesn't even include two other people who seem to be running the whole sideshow without showing up at these things.

Here's a list of videos highlighting the debate (CLICK HERE).

We definitely should give credit to Fox News for showing the other networks how a presidential debate should be done.

For those of you who are not so familiar with the race, we'd like to give you a brief rundown of the candidates in order of most to least likely (vaguely, it's not set in stone, alright?) of winning the Republican nomination.

More after the jump...

Thursday, August 11, 2011

One island, one girl and one big plan

"What three things would you take if you were stuck on a deserted island?"

This question is actually asked a lot. Well, at least I've heard it asked a couple of times.

Now, if it were me, I wouldn't even be on a deserted island, but I can't really use that as an answer.

If I were on a deserted island, I would bring food and water, because, obviously, I would die sooner or later without any, and I would like to keep living. Then, I'm left with the tossup choice. I wouldn't bring my computer unless there was someway to recharge it and there was wireless internet service. In short, I'd bring a huge helicopter with a full tank of gas, so I could fly off the island.

Ta da! I'm off the island. Technically, I didn't even need the food and water...

What would you bring?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Well. Color us surprised.

This is a lyric video for the new single "Fool Like Me" by Cobra Starship.

After some very disappointing recent singles, this is a very pleasant surprise. It's a good combination of tongue-in-cheek lyrics and punkiness. (Ok that's not a word, but you must forgive us; it's late).

Well done Cobra Starship.

Shashoo rating: 8/10