
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

5 things we learned from the new Lady Gaga video

So.  Lady Gaga dropped her new music video for "Yoü and I" early, her new single off of her massive maniacal weird-self-analysis, idolization-of-80's-rock-stars, kind-of-a-mess opus "Born This Way."  She promised us a new music video with her 1000th tweet on Thursday, but according to Lady Gaga's 997th, 998th, and 999th tweets "F**K THURS DAY."  Guess she was getting anxious.

Anywhoo, obviously like no less than 251 OTHER news sources at the time of this writing (we kid you not), we are obligated by the laws of all that is Gaga to report on this new milestone.  Gaga reaching her 1000th tweet that is.  Or it would have been, if it wasn't for the music video.  Let's be honest there would still be 100 news articles about Lady Gaga reaching 1000 tweets and 12.7 million followers.

AAAANYWAYYY, on to the other real Gaga News of the Day.  What does this new video teach us about the ways of Gaga the Wise?  Here are 5 new things we learned from this video (and surprisingly, there were a lot of new things in this video that we haven't seen in others).  Leave it to Gaga to make a video that pretty much has nothing to do with loving a man from Nebraska, and yet, according to her, has everything to do with it.  Did that even make sense?

More after the jump...

1. Lady Gaga likes to play many versions of herself.  OK, so we already knew this, but we thought it was way more over-the-top than before.  There's Yuyi the mermaid, drag Lady Gaga, cyborg-widow Lady Gaga from the beginning with the bruised and battered feet (we have to add we LOVE the way the video starts), Normal Lady Gaga, tortured-hate-sex-escapades Lady Gaga, Bride in Shroud Lady Gaga.  Thank God she's brought that whole closet of crazy clothes back after the relatively tame Edge of Glory video. 

2. Lady Gaga has a male alter ego called "Joe Calderone."  Who smokes and moves to that stomping rock music instrumental, like he's getting drunk at a bar.  Except he's sitting   Umm.  Yeah we're as confused as you are.  He's twitchy...really twitchy.  Although we have to admit, we definitely would not think she was in drag if we didn't know it was her.

3. Normal Lady Gaga looks sort of like a faerie.  And we know faeries aren't supposed to look a certain way, but she really does look like one.  That being said, we can safely say it's her most normal look since those close-ups of her face that we got in the Bad Romance video (forever a classic that she will probably never top, hard as she might try). Also, bride Gaga seems really nice and normal too.  What are the chances of her wedding ever being like that?  Pfft.

4. Lady Gaga loves herself. A lot.  What do you mean we're cheating?  Alright alright, but now we know that she'd be willing to make out with her male self.  And so...the more we write about her, the less sane we all sound.

5....Is that a CHIN STRAP she has on when she wears that black outfit and is walking through the field by herself?...  ???????

6. Ok this isn't actually from the video, but FINALLY we know why that damn umlaut is in Yoü and I.  It's cause Gaga's longtime love, who this rather sweet song was written for, is named Lüc.  Go figure.

7. And finally, no LG music video is complete without at least some light bondage, S&M, weird sexual innuendo, etc.

8. Barns are apparently the new "it" place to party it up and have dance breakdowns.  Even though it's not a dance song.  At all.

Sigh.  Fine.  WE KNOW we cheated.  We just couldn't contain ourselves.  There's so much more that we didn't say (Hard to believe, right?).

Overall, this might be - dare we say it - by far the best video from "Born this Way," although it seems to have the same problem as Judas - too many things happening that don't actually fit into a clear plotline.  Couldn't we just get a boy-meets-girl-etc-etc video, Gaga?  Make our lives easier.

Shashoo rating of the VIDEO: 9/10.  C'mon.  Did you really thing we would give her a bad grade?  But really.  Mother Monster says we're not allowed to give bad reviews.  Or else.  And judging from some of her videos, we really don't want to know what "or else" looks like.  It also gets major points for being one of the best and most unexpected songs Lady Gaga has given us.  And for not being a club song.  These days we're desperate for not-club-songs.

In other Lady Gaga news (because let's face it, there is ALWAYS other Lady Gaga news - it's like two news stories for the price of one!), Gaga's doing Barney's display for Christmas this year.  Instead of Santa.  Or something.

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