
Thursday, August 11, 2011

One island, one girl and one big plan

"What three things would you take if you were stuck on a deserted island?"

This question is actually asked a lot. Well, at least I've heard it asked a couple of times.

Now, if it were me, I wouldn't even be on a deserted island, but I can't really use that as an answer.

If I were on a deserted island, I would bring food and water, because, obviously, I would die sooner or later without any, and I would like to keep living. Then, I'm left with the tossup choice. I wouldn't bring my computer unless there was someway to recharge it and there was wireless internet service. In short, I'd bring a huge helicopter with a full tank of gas, so I could fly off the island.

Ta da! I'm off the island. Technically, I didn't even need the food and water...

What would you bring?

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