
Friday, August 12, 2011

Now THAT's how you run a debate.

In case you didn't know, last night there was a Republican Presidential Debate on Fox News. Also in case you didn't know, there were eight (COUNT 'EM: 8!!) candidates who think they're serious about wanting to be president (i.e. taking down the current president, Barack Obama).

And that doesn't even include two other people who seem to be running the whole sideshow without showing up at these things.

Here's a list of videos highlighting the debate (CLICK HERE).

We definitely should give credit to Fox News for showing the other networks how a presidential debate should be done.

For those of you who are not so familiar with the race, we'd like to give you a brief rundown of the candidates in order of most to least likely (vaguely, it's not set in stone, alright?) of winning the Republican nomination.

More after the jump...

1. Mitt Romney
Known as: The guy who thinks he's cooler than everyone else. Although he probably is. Also the former governor of Massachusetts.

Status: Frontrunner. Nothing has happened so far to convince us he's not going to win this thing.

2. Rick Perry
Known as: The guy who got 25,000 people to a stadium so they could listen to him preach and "pray for our nation." Also an incumbent three-term governor of Texas.

Status: ...So...he actually hasn't entered the race yet...But he's going to on Saturday (August 13)! He's had the pleasure of watching the candidates chew each other at last night's debate without having to even be there. And obviously it says a lot about the race when he hasn't even entered and he's in second place, right?

3. Ron Paul
Known as: Our personal favorite #2 (#1 is further down). The adorable old man who keeps showing up to these things every four years. He's actually a Congressman in the House of Representatives.

Status: Well, frankly, we're shocked that he even made it this high up on the list. Pleasantly shocked, that is.

4. None of them
Known as: Sarah Palin. Swear to God. We doubt this woman needs any further introduction.

Status: WHO THE FLIP KNOWS!! IT MAKES US WANT TO PULL OUR HAIR OUT. Just kidding. But seriously. That bus tour that seems to just keep going is hitting all the early primary/caucus states...for no apparent reason? Color us confused.

5. Michele Bachmann

Known as: The lady with the crazy eyes (thanks Newsweek for giving us fresh nightmares) and Sarah Palin's alleged friend. But seriously, she's currently a congresswoman from Minnesota and one of the leaders of the Tea Party Movement.

Status: She's doing pretty well in Iowa. The boys better watch out. Assuming Sarah Palin and Rick Perry don't show up and steal her thunder. Oh...wait.

6. Newt Gingrich
Known as: The less adorable old guy who seems to get booed a lot at these things. A little on the crazy side. He lost most of his staff in one day in the aftermath of some controversial comments he made about the Medicare reform plan proposed by Republicans in Congress. He's also a former Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Status: LOL #1. Oh Mr. Gingrich.

7. Herman Cain
Known as: The guy who quoted a song from the 2000 "Pokemon" movie, which he allegedly called "a powerful piece of cinema." But seriously, he's the former CEO of Godfather's Pizza. Whatever that is. Let's be honest though, anything that he says or does makes any debate more interesting.

Status: LOL #2. At least his thoughts on Sharia Law are utterly fascinating. Just kidding.

8. Jon Huntsman
Known as: Our personal favorite #1. He's the former governer of Utah, as well as Barack Obama's former ambassador to China (up until he decided to run, naturally).

Status: Alas. He's probably way too far back to make a dent in the race, but it's nice to have this ONE moderate voice in this conservative catfight.

9. Rick Santorum
Known as: The guy with the crazy eyes. He's a former senator of Pennsylvania.

Status: We honestly have ZERO idea what this guy is doing here, and the fact that he's even beating Tim Pawlenty is utterly baffling to us.

10. Tim Pawlenty

Known as: The former governor of Minnesota.

Status: LOL #3. Poor guy. He's trying so hard. Maybe he should try to be a little less snarky in the last debate.

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