
Sunday, August 7, 2011

My Top 5 Facebook Pet Peeves

At this point, pretty much everyone on the internet has a Facebook, and as our lists of friends get longer and longer, and Facebook keeps changing, we inevitably run into more and more things that just annoy us. Here are our Top 5 pet peeves about Facebook. Feel free to add some of your own!

1. Pictures with people sticking out their tongue.

News flash: I have no desire to stare at your tongue every time I visit your profile; it really isn’t that pretty.

2. Picture where the person is posing in front of the bathroom mirror with their friends or by themselves.

News flash: Why would I want to look at a picture with toilets in the background?

3. Requests to play on Farmville or any other Facebook game.

News Flash: I’ve been on Facebook for quite a long time. If I had wanted to play those time consuming games, I would have done it by now – I don’t need you to keep sending me requests over and over again.

4. People that update their status every 10 minutes.

News Flash: I get it already! This isn’t Twitter! I don’t need to know when you start dinner and when you finish. At least tell people when you are going to sleep – then I can go on when your name isn’t popping up every five minutes.

5. People that argue and fight on each other’s profiles.

News Flash: Even though it can be pretty entertaining, it gets annoying when you constantly fight with your friend on Facebook. Are you really that much of a news feed whore that you need to display YOUR problems for everyone to see?

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