
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Teacher+student sleepovers?

Have you ever watched Victorious?  

If you haven't, we'll give you a short summary.  It's a show on Nickelodeon about a girl, played by Victoria Justice, that gets accepted into this school called Hollywood Arts where, instead of math and science classes, they have acting and singing classes.

This show has continued to baffle us, mostly because of that person that plays the crazy teacher, Sikowitz (or Psychowitz, really).  No, it's not Mr. Sikowitz.  Just Psychowitz.  Er, Sikowitz.  This is confusing.

In one episode, Sikowitz invites Tori (played by Victoria Justice) and her new best friends for a sleepover.  Yes, he is hosting a sleepover, and of course, no one questions it, because it all makes sense in this show.

Come to think of it, most of the show doesn't make sense.

The students customize their lockers (an activity so important that it's ok to take the entire first week of "school" to do so) and have music blaring through the hallways all the time, because they seem to spend more time in the hallways than in class.  Trina (Tori's sister) is supposedly horrible at everything, including acting, dancing and singing, but she still is invited to sing and dance with Tori when they do musical numbers.  Not to mention that Ariana Grande (the girl with the unnatural bright red hair) can sing better than Victoria Justice, yet Justice plays the main character whose goal is to be a singer.

We can't even tell you how many episodes have ended with the same solution, Tori sings a song that Andre (one of her friends) just made up for her in one night.  And then everything is all right!

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